
Here at Psilocybin Chocolate we stand up for the awakening of all beings, our work is dedicated to offering insight, tools and support to all of those who want to interact with plant medicine to further their evolution therefor bringing more light and love back to this planet.

We have an opportunity to form a community of awakening right here right now and our prayer is that this website fills you with the information you need to further your own awakening process and find the tips you require to remember your full internal power.


Everything is spirit, everything.  By Spirit we mean everything is God and made from the one true source which includes plant spirit medicine.  This site may be called “Psilocybin Chocolate” however what we are is a community representing all plants that serve greater awakening for humans.

As spirit is in all things and as we obtain that internal knowing then we begin to see the world as god in everything, EVERYTHING.  This crucial view point will allow us to awaken back to the source and it will end all sense of separation, it’s in the separation we lose our power an ability to heal all things.

It’s imperative you study this ay of seeing and practice seeing god in all things as this is your ticket to accessing all the power that Jesus Had and all other ascended beings have mastered, once you see go din all things you KNOW who you are and you return to self, as one with everything around you.


This will access more light and love and you will no longer see disease, feel pain or hurt.  All you will experience is love, laughter, joy and abundance.  Doesn’t this sound beautiful?  It’s here.  It’s available and for some that are not yet able to even imagine this level of awakening we have plant medicine to show you what’s possible, they are our allies into knowing the depths of our abilities and they have the magic to open parts of our perception that have been closed to our true power.

As you read these words your planting seeds into the next level of your very own conscious awakening, you’ll begin to see the world quite different now, trust me. 

What you focus on is what you will become, so if you train your mind to focus on the ideal of ascension, the idea of Christ consciousness then you will become just that and it is that simple of a process.  Train your mind, open your perceptions and if you need assistance we are here to offer you gateways via plant medicine to activate your next levels of consciousness though the tools, articles and support systems on this website.